Elder and Sister

Elder and Sister

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Colors of My Mission

When I first came to Ensign Ranch

 The nights were long, the mornings crisp and cold-

The sky seemed often gray and bleak

With bare branches stark and bold.

The time went by and the nights grew shorter

The sun was up when the day begun.

When we saw the pink and purple of the Trillium

It meant that winter was on the run.

Before we knew it our world was green

With all of the shrubs and trees.

Visions of majestic mountains

And a constant gentle breeze.

The forest floor and paths

Yes, green were the pastures and meadows

And then there were various hues of blue

That the streams and lakes and rivers hath.

Sometimes when the sun was shining

There was still a constant mist

Not a cloud in the sky from whence it might come

There were many navy blue skies at night

With bright white twinkling stars;

And on summer evenings when it started to cool

Spectacular lavender sunsets were ours.

Then often when least expecting it

Liquid sunshine was the gist.

We’d raise our eyes and see

A rainbow with every color

Making a heavenly canopy.

Oh, My! About the rainbows

Arching over and beyond our view

The promise it represents from God

And our knowledge that it’s true.

This has been a time of service

How fun to have it be something I love

In this autumn of my life.

With very little strife.

We felt that the call

To serve at Ensign Ranch

Was truly from the Lord,

And not just happenstance.

Here we learned that we were not alone

With broken hearts and humble spirits

We came together in peace to serve as one.

We asked our Heavenly Father

To help us understand the reason

That four of six couples serving today

Were brought together for a season.

In the loss of a beloved son.

It’s almost overwhelming when I focus

Across the continuum of the past twelve months

We felt the presence of our sons

Encouraging and assisting us for good.

Life has come and then it goes

A cycle of Gods Plan

On the colors that have span-

Serving the best we could

Now I ask myself often

Did I make a difference in someone’s life this year?

Even though I say “It’s all about food”

And the accolades were clear…

Should I have chosen another path

Or was what I had to offer him

To serve my fellow man?

Acceptable for his plan?

The friendships formed and bonds built

Will last throughout the years…

Though years have come and gone

Then sometime in eternity

We’ll reunite with tears.

And now I’m officially old

I find my world is changing

 From emerald green to burning gold.

Sister Jimae Kenney – Serving at Ensign Ranch, Cle Elum, Washington - 2015

changes from green to gold

Thursday, November 12, 2015

November 12

Since I wrote last we were able to cross one thing off the bucket list and that was to visit Mt. Rainer. It was a beautiful clear day (probably the last one of the year) and we drove all around the base and we were about the only ones there, beautiful views that I'll always remember.

I check the weather channel daily to look at the forecast for snow or cold (freezing) as those are the two things that might necessitate our coming home early. However, now I have to check the weather cast hourly to see if it is going to rain - Because we have discovered a leak in the roof of the Motorhome. Luckily it is on Moms side of the bed so that so far I have not gotten MY socks wet! The problem seems to be with the bedroom slide out so if we keep the slide out pulled in - we're Ok. That however is a problem at night. Because it rains every night - and because it is a fact of life that old people have to use the facilities at least once in the middle of the night - it results in my dear sweet wife having to climb over me - without touching my toe - to get up and out. We are considering moving back onto our little house for the last three weeks, but that's a pain too.

Two days later: on our way to semi-annual zone conference in Belview. Mom was in charge of dessert for all - about 40. This she has been busy creating a holiday cake buffet (that would be 5 different cakes she made all from scratch) and are now being transported over the mountains and through the woods in the back of the Ranch Suburban. She warned the young Elders to not be messing around or get too rowdy or even think about getting close to her cakes!

Tried wrapping exterior of RV with a tarp - it didn't work . Still wet (as HER socks will testify).  I've offered to switch sides but she has everything "just so" and doesn't want me messing around with her stuff either. She does not want to move to little house - too much work. She would rather climb over me at night. So - --

It's three weeks from today that we'll be leaving - just right to finish up my family cabin project and paint ALL doors in the Lodge.

Love you all - Dad

Sunday, October 25, 2015

October 18

Well it's been another two weeks since we've last written - boy is time going by fast now! One big accomplishment of the past week is the solving of the "big toe" issue. By last Sunday and then Monday, the toe looked as though it was ready to explode (and felt like it too). We decided on Monday night that toe was a priority for Tuesday. We were headed to the ER at the hospital in Ellensberg but stopped to get gas (and Diet Coke) in Cle Elum. I had previously tried to call the local pharmacist in town to ask for advise on a specific doctor to see but had not gotten thru. So, since we got off in town already we stopped at the drug store and I went in to ask the pharmacist for his advice and/or the name of a doctor. Everyone had had advice - but we honestly didn't know whether to find an infectious disease doctor, a vascular specialist, a dermatologist or a podiatrist or just easier, but more expensive to go to an ER. As soon as Dave, the pharmacist saw me he came right out to talk to me. He immediately told me that he had this one handled. He told me to expect a call from a Dr. Johnson, a podiatrist in Yakima. In the meantime, Dad and I felt we needed to continue towards doing something - so we continued our drive into Ellensberg - still heading for the hospital. We were just arriving at the hospital when Dr. Johnson called. He said he would be happy to see us early that afternoon. So, literally within 5 minutes of paying for an ER visit we headed on down the road to Yakima. Dr. Johnson was very personable and after a couple of pokes and prods said "this is simple. At some time in the past year you did something to severely damage your "toe nail" and it needs to come off." I left the room because I really don't do blood and guts and stuff and within 10 minutes Dad came out to the waiting room and said he was ready to go dancing! Well, that lasted for about a half hour on the drive home before the "pain" set in. He was no longer interested in going dancing; in fact he didn't know how he would get from the car and up the four steps into the RV!  Well, each day the toe has gotten better and better.  I don't really think he will "offer to go dancing" again in his lifetime but he now can contemplate future golf games.  This we are very grateful for this past week.  That we live in a time when these things can be taken care of and for the kindness of people who cared about us.  (And we think the Dr. isn't going to charge us anything.)

The other thing we did this week so we could cross it off our 'while in Washington' list was to go to 'the mountain'.  That would be Mt. Rainier.  On Wednesday night I suggested he look at the weather predictions for the next day and since he was feeling so much better we should go.  The magical maps of the mountain showed it to be a clear, cloud free day, and so we went. 
It was spectacular and such a beautiful day of seeing the majesty of the mountain as well as the surrounding area (that would be before the encounter of the infamous Tacoma/Seattle traffic.)
I truly have appreciated the beauty of nature as we have transitioned from a green world to one of gold.  The deer and elk are back and the nights are crisp.  We have been asked to fast and pray for 'snow' for the area.

My big deal this week was to plan, prepare and serve a nice dinner for 50 people on Wednesday night.  It was the annual council meeting for the 'owners' of the ranch which is the Stake Presidents and Stake Young Women Presidents from the 10 stakes that literally 'own' the property.  It turned out lovely.

We decorated in dark blue with silver tinsel and sparkly white snowflakes and ice-cycles.  Then had lots of York Peppermint Patties spread out on the tables.  The theme was "Wising for Winter."  (surprise, surprise--I didn't think of taking any pictures for you.)  We had a magnificent salad bar, baked potatoes with my world famous (now even more famous) baked potato topper, pulled pork on an Asiago cheese roll and caramel apple cake for dessert.  It was all a big hit!

All is well here--as we begin a count down.  Two more couples leave the end of the month and then it will be us.  Dad has started 'packing up' unneeded items, which apparently included my winter clothes and coats.  He thinks I can do without them.  Honestly he must have been on pain meds that day because now he has to go 'unpack' that section OR we could go shopping at the outlet mall.  I think he has decided to 'unpack'. 
Love to all,


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

October 4

So the week before we came home our big event happened up here at the ranch. We had 2000 people here (old single adults and their kids). They needed to have big commercial tents set up so I've attached A video of the one literally right outside our door going up. It was fun to see the property thoroughly utilized.
As most of you know I was having an issue with my big toe (which is still an issue by the way) so we left up here and went home to see my own Dr., who needless to say wasn't nearly as worked up about it as Jimae and I were. He basically told Mom "to stay off the internet re: medical issues because they only have the worst stories represented."
We got to spend those two weeks with Ben and his family in our home. It was almost like we were supposed to be there to help support him in making the important employment decision and then so great to be there for the excitement once he did.
It was good to get back to feel like I could continue in this mission and accomplish something. My main new assignment is to refinish/ restore an old antique buggy/carriage to have one of the horses pull. It was donated by a member that didn't want to keep it around any more. It was in pretty rough shape - please see the " before" picture. Its always great to have my own project so I've taken a special interest in it. Once I am through with all the woodwork it will be taken to someone else to be reupholstered.
Our time is getting short so I thought we better finish up our "bucket" list for while we live here. Therefore on our last P-day we ventured in to the big city again and went to Pikes market place and rode to the top of the space needle. We still need to get to Mt. Rainier and the Columbia River Temple.

Hoping all your toes are doing well - love, Elder Kenney

Sunday, September 27, 2015

September 27

Well, it's been a while since we've given an official update- we ended our mission summer season successfully. It was a lot of work, activity and general level of excitement and accomplishment right up until the end - which was Labor Day.

For about six weeks up until that point Elder Kenney (Bruce) had been "fussing" about his big toe on his right foot. Once he shared his concern with me - we got him into the Health Clinic in Cle Elum with a diagnosis of cellulitis - no real concern and put on Keflix (sp?)
It improved but as soon as the antibiotic was finished it started getting worse again, back to the clinic and referred to a Doctor who put him on Clindimycin. Toe did not improve at all - in fact seemed to be getting worse.  So, because of his diabetes I read up on the Internet and determined he needed to get back to SLC and his own doctor.

Fast forward 20 days and after literally 10 doctor appointments, and 12 trips to the pharmacy we are almost back to our Home-sweet-home - motor home at Ensign Ranch.
(All of the dr appointments were not his - I had my share also.)

The thing is - his "big toe" is just like it was when we left. After another round of Keflix (after all it worked the first time - right?) it was determined to treat it as a fungus rather than bacteria. Anyways no one seemed as concerned about it as me - so we're moving on. Will give you all an update   If / or when amputation is required!

In the meantime, we had a great little vacation and time away from the mission experiencing many guilty pleasures like restaurant meals, a $1000 day at Lagoon and two fountain diet cokes a day.

It was a very special time for us to be with Ben and his family as he had various job possibilities arise and he had to make some hard decisions about his future and how best to support his family. I think he and Katherine appreciated our being there and our input. Then came the celebration as a decision was made. I went to sleep one night with a smile on my face just realizing a "tender mercy" of our being there to see our son be so excited and appreciated by probably the biggest construction company in Utah - Oakland Construction. Let's see: new I phone, iPad, laptop, health insurance to begin immediately, matching 401 k, profit share/bonuses, 4 weeks paid vacation, anything he wanted from the "swag vault" and last but not least a new explorer with accompanying  gas card!!!!!!!!

Well, we're within 20 minutes of being back and want to thank all of you for being our friends and family and for your love and support, And also for our many blessings we have received from our Heavenly Father.

Love from Mom/Jimae

Sunday, August 16, 2015

August 16

As the official temporary sign maker this change has put a lot more pressure for me to make more signs to send more people to more places than ever before.  But, since it kept me busy for two and a half days I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I have made five light weight sawhorses that are easy for me to carry around and load in and out of my truck to post the signs on at major intersections. I keep them at my place so they are readily available when I need them.

We recently passed the two thirds  date of our mission so we have allowed ourselves to talk about what our life will look like when we come home. Things like: do we get Mom a car or try to share my truck; if so, what and when. When perusing car ads last night I shared with her the details of a used Toyota Highlander. She asked what color it was - like, I mean is that really important? The color was "Salsa Red Pearl" - since then she has been harassing me to have Ben go look at it and buy it so it is ready and waiting for her when she comes home- all because of the name of the color! Sheesh! What we guys put up with. She could care less about the age or the miles or probably the cost - it's all about the name of the color.

We are talking about whether and how much I will work - whether to paint or teach. And, of course we still haven't figured out if we will be stable on our retirement income. Your mother dreams and talks about trips - but I am holding out for an Alaskan cruise with my children and their spouses in a couple of years.

Mom is planning on giving service again at the Humanitarian Center. She will not be working making the big bucks as she officially gave up her license and certification - and of course working at Justice for Girls or Buy Buy Baby is out of the question.

(She would spend way more than she could ever make!) Needless to say we are facing full retirement and it is a little scary realizing we have no idea what we are doing. We just want to be with our family and friends - especially those of you that are reading this blog spot. That's all for now - love Dad

Monday, August 10, 2015

August 9, 2015

Well- it's that time of week again. I'm sitting outside in my lounge chair just veggin' after riding my bike around the lake. It is very peaceful even though Interstate 90 is buzzin by. We had a special surprise this week with a two day visit from our good friends the Schwobes. She texted on Wednesday that her husband was determined they were coming. She is always so worried about "imposing" where David is more lets just go and say "hi". It was great. It was enough notice to get our floor swept and the paint shop cleaned up out of the living room. They got here in time for dinner with us on Friday and then Sat. Morning I worked hard and got lunch and dinner done so that we could spend Sat afternoon and evening with them. We went to Leavenworth, where the highlight was the beautiful flowers. We came back to our home sweet home and had Costco ribs I just happened to have on hand. Then a second rousing night of Penuchle! May I just say that the women held their own both nights which isn't always the case.

This was our last big week of girls camp. The next group is a huge group that rents the whole place and is called "The Church of the Blessing." There is something interesting about them, but I can't remember what it is. We'll have to fill you in next week.

Our group starts to dissipate this week. One of the wranglers goes off to college. Actually, now I think about it, I need to confess that the usual paragon of patience and kindness (aka - your mother) totally lost it this week with three of the young people here and had to be called in to the principal's office. The issue was regarding what time they showed up for dinner without calling to say they would be late (which, just to clarify, is the rule)....well they came in looking for food 40 minutes late and we were all but all cleaned up. Let's just say I did NOT win the battle and from now on the food has to be left out for an hour. Oh well, I am here but to serve - right?

Dads cold got much worse before it got better. He still occasionally goes into fits of coughing up a lung, but in general is feeling better.

Oh yes, one other thing. Jill, the manager's wife, has a beautiful vegetable garden. She has basically left town for 6 weeks and has asked me to hand water twice a day and harvest said veggies. The 10 species of tomatoes I can handle. It's the forest of romaine I have no idea how to do. It looks like I need a machete. I've got to go on the Internet to find out how. Homemade Salsa anyone?

Love - Mom