Elder and Sister

Elder and Sister

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Filling my cup...

It's been an extra week since we've added to our blog. Last week we escaped the mission boundaries and spent two and a half days with most of our family in Henderson, Nevada (note - not Las Vegas). Our third oldest grandchild had her mission farewell prior to leaving to serve in West Virginia. It was a near perfect weekend of getting a "grandchild fix". But, now we're back at the little house in the middle of the woods - serving. Some of us were worried that after seeing everyone again, the homesickness would start all over, but I can safely say it didn't. Rather it seemed to fill my cup back up and we can go on a while longer.
with Brianne
However, we found that while we were gone our hot water heater went out and I had two days worth of appreciating what a blessing hot water at our fingertips is. I kept telling myself that this is nothing and realized (once again) what a worthless pioneer I would have been.

Today at church they put in a new Branch Presidency. Throughout the meetings I had many meaningful opportunities for reflection on our growth and learning in the relatively short time we have been here. Also memories of important or challenging calls we have experienced in our lives and how we ultimately grew through them.

We have another "first" happening tomorrow. One of our couples is leaving at the end of their two year commitment. They are humble people from Vernal, Utah (David Schwobe take note as your Mother was her third grade school teacher) - anyway, when we first got here they were somewhat intimidating as they seem to know everything about everything going on here. As we have now, spent the last four months with them in times of peace and times "of growing" we realize what good, generous people they are and I can wholeheartedly say that both of them are souls that have touched my life for good and I hope I will be able to remember them and their gentle ways. We all have the opportunity to pray often and I learned from him to thank my Heavenly Father for not only the opportunity to serve, but to be able to do that service on this beautiful dedicated land.

Things are starting to gear up here. Actually starting to put the tent tops on the pavilions and finish work on the climbing wall and rope swings. People call continuously to see if they can make reservations to come this summer and they are told that we do not have any openings and I feel so great that I jumped on the cancellation in June when I did! Timing wise that will be just right to get my next "grandchild fix".

Immediate family knows that our Cristina lost her mother this past week. It has been horrible for her to face the grief and tragedy again for an unexpected death of a loved one. We heard that the service held in Utah was lovely and we want to thank all of you that helped with that and serving their family. As a family, Cris and Wes have taken the children to Mexico to have a service there and spend time with her Dad and siblings. This is the first time she has returned home since losing David.

We will be getting two new couples in two weeks. It's hard to imagine that we will be the "oldies" and be in the position to help orient and integrate others. We are still short couples for the summer if you know of anyone interested. It can be for as short as 4 months (May-Labor day) and is relatively cheap! Good news is that we are responsible for the only wrangler girl signed up for the summer (and we still need 2 or 3 more of those too). She is from our ward in Sandy and is just getting home from her mission. She is a major "horse" person and this is considered a paid internship.  Sort of like Lexi's paid internship to Disneyworld.

The photo for the week is of our missionary group and the ranch manager and his wife as of this morning. The couple leaving are in the center back.
our group

All is well here in the middle of the woods. Today before church started we met the Stake President. He apologized for not remembering names,etc. I told him that's all right. All he needed to remember is that I am the most important person at Ensign Ranch because I am the "cook"! He laughed and said he WOULD remember that. I need to go plan menus -

Mom, grandma, sister, cousin, friend - or whatever the case may be.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

March 15, 2015

This message is not going to be as long or as momentous as in the past because not much has happened around here.  The picture for the day is what I have been working on for the past two weeks.  I was asked to make markers for thee different long trails on the property. I had to cut the wood into three different shapes - squares, circles and triangles. Then paint each shape a different color (yellow, red and white). These colors were chosen as they would not tend to blend in with the foliage. There are over 250 total markers. Each trail will be designated by one color and shape. The markers will be nailed on trees so that when you stand at one marker you can look down the trail to see the next marker. Two of the trails are over a mile in length. The red circle trail is shorter and much easier for those in need of such,  possibly could even take a wheelchair.  It may not seem like a big project, but they are acting like it's something they've always wanted to have done.

My frustration after being here three months is  noticing many, many different projects that as a painter I could make look soooooooo much better. But every time I ask Larry, the manager here, if I could work on doors, he has said "no" , all the painting done here is done by youth service projects, and I guess that's the problem - it looks like it! This past week Larry has been off the property going to his sister's funeral in California. So, while the cat's away, I decided to go "rogue" and started painting some of the doors that bothered me the most.  So don't be surprised if I get sent home early from this mission when he gets back. Of course, then there would be a major protest from the other Elders and Sisters because the cook would be coming home with me.

Looking forward to seeing a lot of you this weekend at Brianne's farewell.
Love, Dad (Elder Kenney)

Sunday, March 8, 2015


March 8, 2015

Absolutely beautiful weather, birds are singing in the mornings and the flowers are coming up. We have decided to give up on winter and just enjoy the spring.
We keep busy on our own projects and enjoy being home at night in our little house in the middle of the woods.

On our P-day we did the tourist thing and went to visit  "Snoquallamie Falls" about an hour away, then to scout out where the temple is and go to Deseret Book and the Distribution Center - then on to SEATAC airport so we would know where to go in two weeks. It was a nice day away, but glad to get back.

Our attempt at a "selfie"

Snoquallamie Falls
Snoquallamie Falls
We got a new young Elder this week and it's interesting how it has changed the dynamics. He and Elder Reed seem to be doing well together and Dad announced we would only be playing cards once a week!

Actually, week before last, Dad was quite sick again, but this time I insisted he see a doctor sooner than other times. Basically a bad kidney infection that could (and probably has at least three other times) spread to the blood stream and other organs and become systemic.  We were very impressed with the little clinic and their interpretation of the data. They called it chronic pyelonephritis probably connected to diabetes and/or prostate removal.  I know, TMI!

So, it took last week to slowly get back up to speed.
I am not tired of cooking, I'm just bored with looking for new ideas.
I have finished all the rows of my quilt and am now working on the borders.

I am quite proud of it - if I do say so myself.  I guess I am officially in the Relief Society as the Chorister and am helping majorly with the food for the birthday celebration. Fun this past week to think of the eclectic group of guys that went to Boston. I'm sure they had a great time. All is well here, love and miss you. Mom

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Special Blessings of Tender Mercies

Picture of the week

Being on a mission gives you the opportunity to reflect on your life to this point, especially for me and it being such a significant event that I have looked foreword to for such a long time. Recently one of the other couples (Elder and Sister Farr) was telling us about their  early dating days. This got me thinking about your Mom and my time of dating and when we got officially engaged on June 30, 1968. I think my children all know the story, but probably not the grandchildren, so now is a good time to share it.

Side stepping for a moment, I want to mention another thought. In the past ten years we have lost significant loved ones-not only our four parents  to old age,  but an adult son in the prime of his life. Since then, my knowledge and understanding about ministering angels really being a part of our lives has grown significantly.

Another side thought is about my life spent feeling sort of "less than others" in the church, maybe even a little guilty, that I never had the opportunity to serve a mission when I was young.

So, back to the night of our engagement, we went to dinner and dancing at the sky room at the top of Hotel Utah (now the Joseph Smith Memorial Building). It was all so romantic and I had this little box in my suit pocket that I really had no idea what to do next with or exactly how I was going to pull this off. We finished eating and decided to walk around Temple Square.

During the summers at that time, there was a musical production of Promised Valley going on at an  outdoor  production area just east of the temple. So we heard this music going on in the background - but I was not focused on such things. We ended up sitting on a stone bench in the garden area just to the south of the temple. When we were finished with "the small talk" I decided it was time to do it. I got down on one knee, reached into my breast pocket, pulled out the little box and held it in front of her and asked her to be my wife forever.

At "that precise moment" the choir and full orchestra began the finale of the play which was loudly singing the Hallelujah Chorus and the full lights of the Salt Lake Temple came fully on (they must have been dimmed before that) at the same time.

We have told this story to friends and family numerous times and the story always ends with laughter and wasn't that amazing. Some people might have thought that we embellished the telling to make a good story - but it really happened just like that.

So today, as I sit in my little house in the middle of the woods reflecting on my life and contemplating the tender mercies I have been blessed with - it suddenly hit me that the timing of the proposal was a tender mercy from my Heavenly Father trying to tell me that what I had just done was what I was supposed to be doing and he was pleased with me.

I think now that he was also telling me that it was ok that I wasn't going to serve on a mission at that time, but instead marry my sweetheart and begin a wonderful family. Looking back on it now, I wish I had had a better understanding of the tender mercies in my life.

My hope for all of you is that as you consider your life, at whatever age, you can be more aware of these special blessings of tender mercies and those efforts of ministering angels that can bring you joy and peace throughout your life.
Love, Dad

Oh the memories - how many boots did I have to buy for my sons to go to winter camp! (love, Mom)