Elder and Sister

Elder and Sister

Sunday, September 27, 2015

September 27

Well, it's been a while since we've given an official update- we ended our mission summer season successfully. It was a lot of work, activity and general level of excitement and accomplishment right up until the end - which was Labor Day.

For about six weeks up until that point Elder Kenney (Bruce) had been "fussing" about his big toe on his right foot. Once he shared his concern with me - we got him into the Health Clinic in Cle Elum with a diagnosis of cellulitis - no real concern and put on Keflix (sp?)
It improved but as soon as the antibiotic was finished it started getting worse again, back to the clinic and referred to a Doctor who put him on Clindimycin. Toe did not improve at all - in fact seemed to be getting worse.  So, because of his diabetes I read up on the Internet and determined he needed to get back to SLC and his own doctor.

Fast forward 20 days and after literally 10 doctor appointments, and 12 trips to the pharmacy we are almost back to our Home-sweet-home - motor home at Ensign Ranch.
(All of the dr appointments were not his - I had my share also.)

The thing is - his "big toe" is just like it was when we left. After another round of Keflix (after all it worked the first time - right?) it was determined to treat it as a fungus rather than bacteria. Anyways no one seemed as concerned about it as me - so we're moving on. Will give you all an update   If / or when amputation is required!

In the meantime, we had a great little vacation and time away from the mission experiencing many guilty pleasures like restaurant meals, a $1000 day at Lagoon and two fountain diet cokes a day.

It was a very special time for us to be with Ben and his family as he had various job possibilities arise and he had to make some hard decisions about his future and how best to support his family. I think he and Katherine appreciated our being there and our input. Then came the celebration as a decision was made. I went to sleep one night with a smile on my face just realizing a "tender mercy" of our being there to see our son be so excited and appreciated by probably the biggest construction company in Utah - Oakland Construction. Let's see: new I phone, iPad, laptop, health insurance to begin immediately, matching 401 k, profit share/bonuses, 4 weeks paid vacation, anything he wanted from the "swag vault" and last but not least a new explorer with accompanying  gas card!!!!!!!!

Well, we're within 20 minutes of being back and want to thank all of you for being our friends and family and for your love and support, And also for our many blessings we have received from our Heavenly Father.

Love from Mom/Jimae