Elder and Sister

Elder and Sister

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Still no snow -

Still no snow - today they asked us to fast and pray for snow. I guess I really didn't need the Iditarod  snowsuit or the two cases of hand and foot warmer inserts or the insulated coveralls, not even Mom's
fancy rain boots.

Just thought I'd catch you up on some of the projects I've been working on the past two weeks:
I finished up my sign project of routering and painting  about a dozen signs and then posting them on the property.

My next project that I think I haven't  mentioned is the refurbishment of a 28 foot high climbing wall. My assignment was to put three coats of paint on 21 sheets of plywood that will replace all the old ones. This involved three coats of paint, with a lot of lifting and "grunting".

And I finally completed four birdhouses and got them placed around the pond that is just outside our little house in the middle of the woods.

After two months we are feeling more comfortable with our mission. We had another weekend of boy scouts and a family reunion because tomorrow  is a holiday and kids are out of school.

Mom is doing good too. She is feeding me too good. I love being her driver/helper to go grocery shopping every Tuesday morning.

Love, Dad

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