Elder and Sister

Elder and Sister

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Feelings of Great Joy

This has been a week of great reflection.  Reflection on my wonderful children, the great challenges they face and the powerful spiritual families they have all become. The past two weeks, since it was my turn to write, much has happened within our family unit. Over two weeks ago Ben called to say that the big projects for his future work had either been put off or evaporated altogether and that his enthusiasm for his work and future there had diminished. Therefore, he and Katherine were in discussions of whether it was time to move back home. Mom and I indicated we wanted to support them in any way we could so keep us posted.

One week later I called him to see if there were further updates and he surprised us by saying that they were 95% sure they were coming home, but asked us not to say anything as yet as they needed to talk it over with their kids.  Several days later, along with all of you we received his text that he had an important message he wanted to share and it was posted on the "Return with Honor" blog.  I was thrilled with their decision, but of course concerned about the challenges their family would face. Certainly the big one was financial, but knew that there will be others with the whole process of moving. Therefore, last week I found myself conflicted with the emotions of both great joy as well as concerns as to the "how's" of their making this transition work in their lives.

Even though I was concerned, I found myself continually feeling this overwhelming great joy. Knowing that it would be my turn to give a spiritual thought in our daily scripture study at the end of the week, I knew that I wanted to express these feelings of "great joy".  So, I started searching the scriptures and conference talks for more information on this "great joy" I was feeling. I came across this talk by President  Eyring from the April 2012 general conference titled "Mountains to Climb".

He said in part "If we have faith in Jesus Christ, the hardest, as well as the easiest times in life can be a blessing. In all conditions, we can choose the right with the guidance of the Spirit. We have the gospel of Jesus Christ to shape and guide our lives if we choose it. And with prophets revealing to us our place in the plan of salvation, we can live with perfect hope and a feeling of peace. We never need to feel that we are alone or unloved in the Lord's service because we never are. The Savior has promised angels on our left and our right to bear us up. And He always keeps his word."

I think I am beginning to understand a little better who some of these "angels on our left and right" might be and how significant their influence in our day to day lives really are.

The last time I talked with Ben I told him that because of the righteousness of his family I expect great miracles to begin to take place. In reflection, I used the word "expect" not as a demand, but of a realization that his family deserves them.  In fact,  a great miracle has taken place in his life this past week that he has told us about, but is hesitating to share with others at this time.  But know this - a great miracle has come about because of his and Katherine's faith and continual service in the lord's ways.

It's been a great week filled with joy not only because I am serving on this mission but because I have had opportunities to reflect on my children and their wonderful families. Let me end with a scriptural reference from 3 John v.4:
"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth."

Love, Dad


  1. Thank you Dad, I'm so grateful for you and mom and your service, love, and example.

  2. so great! and now you have me so curious as to this new miracle! I love you both! Have a great week!
