Elder and Sister

Elder and Sister

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Over the river and through the woods-

the view from our Front Porch
Over the river and through the woods-
As home from church we go!
The usual 10 minute drive took almost 45 due to the snow. They are all happy to finally get some snow. This Friday we have 25 different scout troops coming to have their winter camp out and Klondike Derby. (Poor little guys-Moms hate winter camp outs!)

This week I have kept busy with almost finishing up the 34 Tepee pole project.

Being a Lumberjack from Week 1
Lumber Jacking before the snow

Also I am officially designated as the sign maker. I was going to send a picture of the ones I made this week, but they are covered in snow. They say: area closed for winter - no sledding! This was on the area of the slip n slide that the 11 year old scouts had it in mind last week to turn into a sleigh riding hill. Very bad idea.
Anyway- was able to get to sleep at my regular bedtime of 8:30 on New Years Eve- surprise / surprise. We've got a single young Elder here that Mom has befriended and taught to play Runs and Bunches. I'm afraid to say that he loves it so much that he wants to play EVERY NIGHT - so gotta go. Love, Dad
with our Name Tags

our Missionary Group


  1. I LOVE all the pictures! Your name tags are great :) I'm worried about dad's signs being covered in snow...whats the point??? Your group picture proves that dad needs a cowboy hat!!! yessss!

  2. Love reading what you are up to. I do hate Klondike camps but at least going to official camps like yours I'm sure helps. Maybe with luck it will all melt off before they come.

  3. Love reading your blog and I also love that my two favorite work friends are in this picture together. Kim Dansie
