Elder and Sister

Elder and Sister

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Another week, another month and another year has come and gone

Another week, another month and another year has come and gone. It's been five weeks since we ran away home to this strange little cottage in the middle of the Washington woods.
I am going to tell you about my work days. We set the alarm for 6:30 - Dad is always awake but I am not.

I usually take about 10 minutes to wake up and then I have "to hurry fast".
I get the bathroom for 15 minutes to complete my ablutions while he does his back exercises (Dr. Whipple please take note). Then it's time to officially fuss about my hair. To curl or not to curl - that is the question, unless it is to cut or not cut. FYI this week "to cut" won out.

Ready or not we must leave by 7:23 to give us time to get to scripture study. I would have to say that "I love this time". We are reading the D&C with the BYU study guide. It just so happened that they were starting it on our first day. We also take turns giving a spiritual message which I really enjoy.
Next comes the daily planning meeting with Larry, the manager. We review who is leaving and who is coming that day, then talk about what needs to be done. This is where the Tepee pole project gets talked about. We have had unusually good weather so that's why the emphasis on the poles. Dad has done a beautiful job on them, all smooth and polished up like 25 foot walking sticks. As of yesterday, he has been commissioned to do another set (there being 15 to a set.)

As for me at the end of the meeting, I don my apron and begin doing my thing. I have the menus and recipes ready to go a week in advance. As mentioned previously I  am soliciting new ideas. This week we are having Jacob's Meatballs, Laura's Chicken Noodle soup and Liz's Spicy Pasta.
The noon meal is the bigger one with a main entree and sides, mini salad bar, bread item and of course dessert. For supper it is lighter basically doing two of these three things - soup (homemade of course), salad or sandwich and then a dessert buffet of leftovers.

Interestingly enough they all love cottage cheese and canned fruit, so this is on for supper as one of the two items a couple of times  a week.
So, back to my routine, I get part of the evening meal prepared as much as possible in the morning after I have the lunch ready to go. The work is not hard and I enjoy just working by myself at my own pace. If and when I need to sit down for a few minutes, I do.

As for dishes, I try to have the preparation dishes all done before we eat. Then the sisters stay and help until  all is cleaned up after.
At about 2:00 I go back to the cottage and rest for an hour (play Spider Solitaire ) and try to do something productive until I need to go back to the kitchen. By 6:00 PM we are cleaned up and can go home to where Dad is so exhausted we read and listen to music and are asleep by 9:00.
Now you know what my day is like.

We do laundry on Friday morning as our assigned time, not on P-day. We haven't ventured west yet, but plan to this week. The nearest civilization going that direction is Isaqua, where Wes is from. There is a Costco there, where Dad can replenish his cashew supply.
All is well - although seemed to miss you all more than usual- even a few tears last night. I wanted to see Lindsay in her glasses and watch James eat a piece of bread.

Talked to Dixie today and she says her life is changing soon because the babies are starting to walk. I will be thinking about the Patterson's at Disney and the retreat girls on their cruise this week. Have fun - love you all.  Mom


  1. those are quite the FANCY poles! Love and miss you both so much.

  2. So wonderful to hear so many details! We love you both so much!

  3. Grandpa is proud of those beautiful poles I'm sure! We will miss you at the retreat. Love to you both!
