Elder and Sister

Elder and Sister

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

August 2, 2015

Some of you noticed that I took a brief leave from writing last week. That was because the only thing I could think of to say was "no news is good news" (I think). not that I have anything monumental to share now but here goes-

Another hot week but we made it till August! My highlight of the week was watching a trek group of 300 get loaded up and off and then seeing them come back. They were divided up into companies of 50. As they rounded the bend coming back , one young man was heard to say as he realized where he was "you mean we were this close last night and we didn't know it!" I don't know if he had known, he might have gotten to the freeway and hitchhiked home.

There's been a lot of talking and thinking about our ancestors this past month  and so I have certainly had the opportunity to reflect on both our pilgrim and our pioneer heritage. In our scripture study we have just finished reading the D&C and have been reminded of the early history of the church. It has made me appreciate all the sacrifices they made on l our behalf.

Our young Elders have had a viral gomboo that unfortunately I have now. Don't worry about me, it's just a bad cold involving the entire breathing system. Mom had to break the Sabbath and go buy me both DayQuil and NightQuil. No, she did not take the opportunity to buy a Diet Coke since she was already breaking the Sabbath (at least that's what she says).

I continue to make signs - both permanent and temporary. This week I did some that needed to have small reflective beads painted into the grooves of the letters - an interesting paint job I'd never done before.

We are planning a tourist type of experience for next Thursday's. We are going with my friend, Steve Schauerhamer and his wife to San Juan Island.

The dynamics of the personalities here is undergoing a change. The long-termers that were here before us are officially getting "trunkey" and when they are gone next month Mom and I will have been here the longest. Does that mean we're "the Senior - Senior Couple"? Who knows - love Dad

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