Elder and Sister

Elder and Sister

Sunday, June 7, 2015

June 7, 2015

Another week has gone by and we find ourselves at the halfway point of our mission. It was very interesting this weekend to see some of our projects actually completed and ready to go. The first one of interest was the Teepees. To see all my poles put to use and the process that had to be gone thru to get them standing and then stay standing was amazing . There was a lot of painting of fences, barn and bathrooms being done by members of our stake. We had over 300 volunteers on site yesterday - getting things done. I spent the week painting and  spraying the new little kitchen. My colored trail markers are up and ready to identify any hike you might be interested in. I got a nice compliment from the boss about how I was doing the  temporary signs for the weekends too. I have to admit here that it was your mother's idea to do them on the computer.  She made me a template with the font size at 200 and then taught me how to do them.

A new task I've been assigned is to build a replica of the box the gold plates were buried in for an activity where the young women will actually bury the replica and/or go and dig it up. The actual box was made of stone and I was fussing about how to do it and then I realized the flooring vinyl that was put in the new little kitchen was of a stone or cobble design. I felt dumb that I didn't think of that sooner.  Larry said that last summer they did this activity with the box and plates for the first time and many of the young women said this was the highlight of their experience at camp.

We are looking forward to the safe arrival of Ben's family next week and many more of you the week after. Love, Dad

My trail markers

Mom's three full shopping carts

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