Elder and Sister

Elder and Sister

Sunday, March 8, 2015


March 8, 2015

Absolutely beautiful weather, birds are singing in the mornings and the flowers are coming up. We have decided to give up on winter and just enjoy the spring.
We keep busy on our own projects and enjoy being home at night in our little house in the middle of the woods.

On our P-day we did the tourist thing and went to visit  "Snoquallamie Falls" about an hour away, then to scout out where the temple is and go to Deseret Book and the Distribution Center - then on to SEATAC airport so we would know where to go in two weeks. It was a nice day away, but glad to get back.

Our attempt at a "selfie"

Snoquallamie Falls
Snoquallamie Falls
We got a new young Elder this week and it's interesting how it has changed the dynamics. He and Elder Reed seem to be doing well together and Dad announced we would only be playing cards once a week!

Actually, week before last, Dad was quite sick again, but this time I insisted he see a doctor sooner than other times. Basically a bad kidney infection that could (and probably has at least three other times) spread to the blood stream and other organs and become systemic.  We were very impressed with the little clinic and their interpretation of the data. They called it chronic pyelonephritis probably connected to diabetes and/or prostate removal.  I know, TMI!

So, it took last week to slowly get back up to speed.
I am not tired of cooking, I'm just bored with looking for new ideas.
I have finished all the rows of my quilt and am now working on the borders.

I am quite proud of it - if I do say so myself.  I guess I am officially in the Relief Society as the Chorister and am helping majorly with the food for the birthday celebration. Fun this past week to think of the eclectic group of guys that went to Boston. I'm sure they had a great time. All is well here, love and miss you. Mom

1 comment:

  1. SO good to see your faces again! Thanks for the selfie. I love and miss you!
